In less than 1 minute from now you will be saving time everyday day.

While navigating the unending trees and branches of the Internet we often come across sites we would like to revisit. Remembering our way back to a site is nearly impossible. For this reason, we use Internet favorites to get back to the sites we would like to visit again.

If you’re like me, your ‘favorites’ have become overgrown and full of weeds, making the ‘favorites’ somewhat useless.

Try this trick: Once you arrive at a site that you would like to revisit, click and drag the site icon that appears to the left of the URL to your desktop (or any folder you prefer).

Internet Shortcuts

That’s it!

Now all you have to do is double click the icon and you are quickly brought back to the site.

You can spend less time fumbling through your “Favorites” and more time getting things done. If you don’t want this shortcut any longer, throw it into the trash.